Cookie Policy

We want to be fully transparent with our users about how we collect and use data. Like almost all SaaS Providers, Cedar Silicon, Inc. ("Cedar Silicon", "we" or "us") and our partners use cookies or similar technologies to gather and analyze information about you and how you use our Service.

We put together this Cookie Policy to provide you with more information about these cookies and technologies. Any terms we use in this Cookie Policy without defining them have the definitions given to them in the Privacy Policy.

About Cookies

Cookies are small files – usually consisting of letters and numbers – placed on your computer, tablet, phone, or similar device, when you use that device to visit a Website. The Service use cookies and similar technologies such as pixel tags, web beacons, clear GIFs, and JavaScript to enable our servers to recognize your web browser and tell us how and when you visit and use our Website and Service, to analyze trends, learn about our user base and operate and improve our Service. We will refer to cookies and similar technologies simply as "Cookies" for the remainder of this Cookie Policy.

We sometimes combine information collected through Cookies that is not Personal Data with Personal Data that we have about you, for example, to tell us who you are or whether you have an account with us. We may also supplement the information we collect from you with information received from third parties. For more information about the kinds of Cookies we use and the purposes for which we use Cookies, please consult the chart below.

Session Cookies vs. Persistent Cookies

Cookies can either be "session Cookies" or "persistent Cookies". Session Cookies are temporary Cookies that are stored on your device while you are visiting our Website or using our Service, whereas "persistent Cookies" are stored on your device for a period of time after you leave our Website or Service. The length of time a persistent Cookie stays on your device varies from Cookie to Cookie. We use persistent Cookies to store your preferences so that they are available for the next visit, and to keep a more accurate account of how often you visit our Service, how often you return, how your use of the Service may vary over time. We also use persistent Cookies to measure the effectiveness of advertising efforts. Through these Cookies, we may collect information about your online activity after you leave our Service.

Third Party Cookies

Some Cookies are placed by a third party on your device and may provide information to us and third parties about your browsing habits (such as your visits to our Service, the pages you have visited and the links and advertisements you have clicked). These Cookies can be used to determine whether certain third party services are being used, to identify your interests, to re-target advertisements to you and to serve advertisements to you that we or others believe are relevant to you. We do not control third party Cookies.

Further Information

Further information about Cookies can also be found at

What types of cookies do we use and for which purposes?

Essential Cookies

Essential (or "Required") Cookies that are required for providing you with features or services that you have requested. For example, certain Cookies enable you to sign in to secure areas of our Website or use a shopping cart feature within our Service. Disabling these Cookies may make certain features and services unavailable.

Functionality Cookies

Functional Cookies are used to record your choices and settings regarding our Service, maintain your preferences over time and recognize you when you return to our Service. These Cookies help us to personalize our content for you, greet you by name, and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).

Performance/Analytical Cookies

Performance/Analytical Cookies allow us to understand how visitors use our Website and Service such as by collecting information about the number of visitors to the Website, what pages visitors view on our Website and how long visitors are viewing pages on the Website. Performance/Analytical Cookies also help us measure the performance of our advertising campaigns in order to help us improve our campaigns and the Service’s content for those who engage with our advertising.

Re-targeting/Advertising Cookies

Re-targeting/Advertising Cookies collect data about your online activity and identify your interests so that we can provide advertising that we believe is relevant to you.

Cookie settings

You can decide whether or not to accept Cookies. One way you can do this is through your internet browser’s settings. Most browsers have an option for turning off the Cookie feature, which will prevent your browser from accepting new Cookies, as well as (depending on the sophistication of your browser software) allow you to decide on acceptance of each new Cookie in a variety of ways. You can also delete all Cookies that are already on your computer. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some Service and functionalities may not work.

To explore what Cookie setting are available to you, look in the "preferences" or "options" section of your browser’s menu. To find our more information about Cookies, including information about how to manage and delete Cookies, please visit or


If you have any queries regarding this Cookie Policy please contact us at